Мы находимся

РФ, Республика Крым, пгт. Заозёрное, ул. Аллея Дружбы, д. 76А

Отдел бронирования: +7 926 680 43 44 (9:00-21:00 по московскому времени)

Email: ligaklub@mail.ru

Двухкомнатный номер (две раздельные кровати)

Номера категории «Двухкомнатный номер (две раздельные кровати)» располагаются на первом и втором этажах коттеджей Фэмили-Клуб.

Общая площадь: 30 м.кв., спальных мест – 5 (2 основных стационарных, 2 дополнительных стационарных, 1 дополнительное (еврораскладушка или детская кроватка));

В номере: 

  • две односпальные кровати и раскладывающийся двуспальный диван;
  • кондиционер;
  • холодильник;
  • набор посуды для приготовления салатов, напитков, бутербродов;
  • фен и электрический чайник по запросу;
  • санузел с душем;
  • возможность установить еврораскладушку или детскую кроватку.

В стоимость номера включены:

  • завтрак;
  • цифровое эфирное телевидение и сейф;
  • пользование бассейнами;
  • пользование детскими площадками;
  • ванночка и горшок по просьбе родителей;
  • пользование бильярдной комнатой с 9:00 до 21:00;
  • пользование тренажёрным залом с 7:00 до 21:00;
  • пользование универсальной спортивной площадкой.

Стоимость проживания

Другие номера

Пригласи друга – получи скидку!

Пригласи друга – получи скидку!

Решили отдохнуть с друзьями в Крыму? Это предложение точно для Вас!

Скидка распространяется на стоимость проживания. Скидка по акции не суммируется с другими акциями.

При бронировании двух и более номеров в пансионате «Лига-Клуб» в одни и те же даты на срок от 10 дней и более – гарантированная скидка 10% на каждый номер!

Если Вы хотите забронировать отдых по этой акции, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в отдел бронирования по телефону: +7 926 680 43 44, заполните форму бронирования на сайте или оставьте свою заявку на email: ligaklub@mail.ru.

Длительное проживание со скидкой 10%!

Спецпредложение «Длительное проживание»!

Предложение действует при единовременном проживании более 20 дней.

Скидка распространяется только на стоимость проживания. Скидка по акции не суммируется с другими акциями.

Если Вы хотите забронировать отдых по этой акции, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в отдел бронирования по телефону: +7 926 680 43 44, заполните форму бронирования на сайте или оставьте свою заявку на email: ligaklub@mail.ru.

Delivering What Hotel Customer Really Value

While there’s nothing better than relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach, some days you just wantis a threat to all the organizations, but when we take in consideration the financial market the level of menace increases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the bestincreases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the best possible services in the best possible way and reachable by everyone everywhere. We are watching to a spread of different products and services being available through the use.

By 2030—little more than a decade from now—the global economy will likely be in the midst of a major transformation. Companies and investors grapple with changing conditions constantly, but our research points to an unusual level of volatility in the decades ahead. To understand why, we look at the three major forces that will shape the 2020s: demographics, automation and inequality. These forces are already in motion and set to collide.

The New Rules for Marketing Your Brand

Consumer products marketing has experienced a profound change over the last 5 to 10 years, from a world dominated by large global brands and established TV and big-box retail models to a world that’s quickly much more complex, with a proliferation of brands, channels and marketing tools. Technology’s disrupted the industry in three ways. Firstly, it’s disrupted the way consumers engage with brands. In the UK and the US now, over 60% of consumers discover brands.

There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.”


Secondly, given those growth platforms, what is the brand portfolio, business portfolio that I’ll use to address them? Brand portfolio strategy is definitely rising in importance. And thirdly, when I’m clear on those platforms and those brands, how am I going to implement modern marketing to engage with the consumer? We’re seeing an extreme rise in profitable growth from the clients that we’re supporting to reset their marketing model. But that isn’t straightforward. So actually, areas four and five are enablers. Four, what’s the data and technology strategy and the roadmap to implement that? The leaders are owning their own data, refreshing it constantly and, more importantly, using it to inform the business decisions. And they’re making the technology that underpins that a priority.

How Hotels are Re-configuring Supply

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend molestie fermentum.. Cybercrime is a threat to all the organizations, but when we take in consideration the financial market the level of menace increases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the bestincreases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the best possible services in the best possible way and reachable by everyone everywhere. We are watching to a spread of different products and services being available through the use.

By 2030—little more than a decade from now—the global economy will likely be in the midst of a major transformation. Companies and investors grapple with changing conditions constantly, but our research points to an unusual level of volatility in the decades ahead. To understand why, we look at the three major forces that will shape the 2020s: demographics, automation and inequality. These forces are already in motion and set to collide.

The New Rules for Marketing Your Brand

Consumer products marketing has experienced a profound change over the last 5 to 10 years, from a world dominated by large global brands and established TV and big-box retail models to a world that’s quickly much more complex, with a proliferation of brands, channels and marketing tools. Technology’s disrupted the industry in three ways. Firstly, it’s disrupted the way consumers engage with brands. In the UK and the US now, over 60% of consumers discover brands.

There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.”


Secondly, given those growth platforms, what is the brand portfolio, business portfolio that I’ll use to address them? Brand portfolio strategy is definitely rising in importance. And thirdly, when I’m clear on those platforms and those brands, how am I going to implement modern marketing to engage with the consumer? We’re seeing an extreme rise in profitable growth from the clients that we’re supporting to reset their marketing model. But that isn’t straightforward. So actually, areas four and five are enablers. Four, what’s the data and technology strategy and the roadmap to implement that? The leaders are owning their own data, refreshing it constantly and, more importantly, using it to inform the business decisions. And they’re making the technology that underpins that a priority.

Asia’s Hotel Customer Care Industry Outlook

Asia’s Hotel Customer Care Industry Outlook

Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the bestincreases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the best possible services in the best possible way and reachable by everyone everywhere. We are watching to a spread of different products and services being available through the use.

By 2030—little more than a decade from now—the global economy will likely be in the midst of a major transformation. Companies and investors grapple with changing conditions constantly, but our research points to an unusual level of volatility in the decades ahead. To understand why, we look at the three major forces that will shape the 2020s: demographics, automation and inequality. These forces are already in motion and set to collide.

The New Rules for Marketing Your Brand

Consumer products marketing has experienced a profound change over the last 5 to 10 years, from a world dominated by large global brands and established TV and big-box retail models to a world that’s quickly much more complex, with a proliferation of brands, channels and marketing tools. Technology’s disrupted the industry in three ways. Firstly, it’s disrupted the way consumers engage with brands. In the UK and the US now, over 60% of consumers discover brands.

There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.”


Secondly, given those growth platforms, what is the brand portfolio, business portfolio that I’ll use to address them? Brand portfolio strategy is definitely rising in importance. And thirdly, when I’m clear on those platforms and those brands, how am I going to implement modern marketing to engage with the consumer? We’re seeing an extreme rise in profitable growth from the clients that we’re supporting to reset their marketing model. But that isn’t straightforward. So actually, areas four and five are enablers. Four, what’s the data and technology strategy and the roadmap to implement that? The leaders are owning their own data, refreshing it constantly and, more importantly, using it to inform the business decisions. And they’re making the technology that underpins that a priority.

A New Age for Hotel & Supply Chain for it

Cybercrime is a threat to all the organizations, but when we take in consideration the financial market the level of menace increases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the bestincreases exponentially. Today banks and other financial organizations face the need of providing the best possible services in the best possible way and reachable by everyone everywhere. We are watching to a spread of different products and services being available through the use.

By 2030—little more than a decade from now—the global economy will likely be in the midst of a major transformation. Companies and investors grapple with changing conditions constantly, but our research points to an unusual level of volatility in the decades ahead. To understand why, we look at the three major forces that will shape the 2020s: demographics, automation and inequality. These forces are already in motion and set to collide.

The New Rules for Marketing Your Brand

Consumer products marketing has experienced a profound change over the last 5 to 10 years, from a world dominated by large global brands and established TV and big-box retail models to a world that’s quickly much more complex, with a proliferation of brands, channels and marketing tools. Technology’s disrupted the industry in three ways. Firstly, it’s disrupted the way consumers engage with brands. In the UK and the US now, over 60% of consumers discover brands.

There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.”


Secondly, given those growth platforms, what is the brand portfolio, business portfolio that I’ll use to address them? Brand portfolio strategy is definitely rising in importance. And thirdly, when I’m clear on those platforms and those brands, how am I going to implement modern marketing to engage with the consumer? We’re seeing an extreme rise in profitable growth from the clients that we’re supporting to reset their marketing model. But that isn’t straightforward. So actually, areas four and five are enablers. Four, what’s the data and technology strategy and the roadmap to implement that? The leaders are owning their own data, refreshing it constantly and, more importantly, using it to inform the business decisions. And they’re making the technology that underpins that a priority.